Hey everyone :) So I haven't blogged in a while because I have been busy and wasn't really ''in the mood '' :/ I recently went to do some voluntary work helping kittens that don't have a home . It was quite a nice experience and I wish I could have brought one kitten home but my parents wouldn't allow me . My fav kitten :
Also I have been to ''Blue Lagoon'' Here's some pictures for you to see:
It's beautiful ! However I got stung by a jelly fish and right now my left leg has blisters , but it's not that bad at least .
I've also been enjoying BBQ's with family and friends :
Also spending some time in my grandma's flat near the beach :D
Mostly my summer has been great on the whole . I've been going to beaches all the time because over here the temperature goes up to 97-102 F .
Last week I started physics/math tuition which means that I've gotta start working again . Oh well at least school doesn't start til 9th October :D
How has your summer been ?